Help the Snoezelen runners raise funds during the Worcester City run!

This years #teamsnoezey runners are training hard and getting ready to run the @worcestercityrun half marathon and the 10k 2024!!! LESS THAN THREE WEEKS TO GO! Every penny goes to making sensory happiness a reality for so many of our members.

Donate here!
Three men fundraising. One is dressed as a banana.

Fundraise for us

Whether you’re an individual, or part of a school or community group, we’d love you to help us raise funds for Worcester Snoezelen!

As well as taking part in a challenge event for sponsorship you might also consider having a bake sale, hosting a concert, pub quiz, sports day, or fancy dress day to raise funds for us.

There are all sorts of things you might want to try to raise sponsorship for us. People have taken on runs, walks, stand up paddle boarding, hula hooping, going sober and being silent! You may well have your own unique ideas.

Fundraise for us

How to get started fundraising for us

Once you’ve decided what you’re going to do, the easiest way to fundraise is online. Set up a JustGiving account and share it with everyone you know! If you post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram share with us!

As well as taking part in a challenge event for sponsorship you might also consider having a bake sale, hosting a concert, pub quiz, sports day, or fancy dress day to raise funds for us.

Before you get started here are some tips on rules and regulations, to make sure you stay legal if you’re holding an event:

  • Complete a risk assessment
  • Any event involving the public requires insurance – check with the venue that their public liability insurance covers you
  • If you’re serving alcohol or playing music contact your local council for a temporary event notice
  • If you’re having a raffle as part of an event there is no need for a licence, but if you’re selling tickets over a period of time then you’ll need to get a licence from your local authority
  • Please also remember if you’re collecting money you will need a licence from the local authority for a street collection and permission from the owner or manager on private property

If you’d like to get involved in fundraising contact Rachel at or phone 01905 748229.