Help the Snoezelen runners raise funds during the Worcester City run!

This years #teamsnoezey runners are training hard and getting ready to run the @worcestercityrun half marathon and the 10k 2024!!! LESS THAN THREE WEEKS TO GO! Every penny goes to making sensory happiness a reality for so many of our members.

Donate here!

Support Assistant


About Helen

What’s your favourite thing about your job?

I love meeting and talking with new people, forming relationships and seeing our members happy.

What do you love about Snoezey?

The thing I love most about Snoezelen is the trusting, warm and friendly environment I feel every time I enter the centre. Snoezelen allows people to be themselves whilst having fun.

Tell me something interesting about you.

I worked in America, Pennsylvania for three months teaching dance and looking after children.