Help the Snoezelen runners raise funds during the Worcester City run!

This years #teamsnoezey runners are training hard and getting ready to run the @worcestercityrun half marathon and the 10k 2024!!! LESS THAN THREE WEEKS TO GO! Every penny goes to making sensory happiness a reality for so many of our members.

Donate here!

Music Service Manager


About Steven

What’s your favourite thing about your job?

I enjoy working with the Snoezey staff team and our members and that I get to do what I love every day.

What do you love about Snoezey?

I love that Snoezelen offers our members the chance to participate in the arts through music, art and dance along with all of the sensory opportunities in the centre.

Tell me something interesting about you.

I once borrowed a friends kayak and navigated two thirds of the Amazon.