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Tom’s Mighty Malverns Mission

Posted on 5 October 2022

One of our Tuesday Morning Sensory Play dads is doing something very special, and very brave! Over the summer Tom Driver has been walking 20 miles across the Malvern peaks and back each month raising funds for charities close to his heart. Worcester Snoezelen is one of them.

Tom said “Our son, Dylan has Cerebral Palsy and his needs are too great to be supported in mainstream provision. But at Snoezelen he is happy, smiley, really stimulated and interested by everything. And the support we get from other parents and the staff at the Snoezelen is amazing. It makes us feel not so alone in the challenging world of bringing up a severely disabled small child.”

Our Community Engagement Officer, Rachel, joined Tom for part of one of the walks, and it was TOUGH!  Tom has two more of the 20 mile walks to do, one this coming Saturday, 9th October, and his last one is at the end of October/early November.  He is splitting his sponsorship equally between the six charities supported.  We wish you luck Tom and thank you for being the amazing person you are!

Click on Tom’s GoFundMe page here to donate