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Worcester City Runs 16th & 17th Sept

Posted on 5 September 2023

Support our brave runners this year!

The 2023 Worcester City Runs Weekend returns bigger and better than ever for a full weekend on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th September.

The ninth Worcester City 10K and Half Marathon will set off on Sunday morning, alongside the popular Junior run returning at 8.45am.

Come and be part of 4000 runners taking part across the weekend!

Entries are here:  Worcester City Runs – Worcester City Runs

All participants receive a t-shirt, medal and goody bag. There is ample city centre parking, baggage services and plenty of fun activities for those not taking part.

Our team, so far, consists of 4 x 10K runners and 2 x Junior athletes.  We’d love it if you wanted to sponsor them!

Sponsor our runners here!