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Fundraising by wearing Speedo’s for the day!

Posted on 22 April 2021

We love hearing from people with their fundraising ideas. We’ve never had a fundraiser quite like this one!…WEARING SPEEDOS FOR A DAY! Darren aka Dazzer the Trucker is doing a 5K Speedo Challenge. It came about when Dazzer jokingly said on a Vloggers friends What’s App group about wearing speedos to drive the lorry on a hot day, now its turned into a challenge, when Dazzer reaches 5K in Kind Donations & 5K Subscribers on YouTube, he will have to spend the day at work wearing speedos, so from when he leaves the house until he gets home he has to video the day for his YouTube Channel to prove he’s done it, driving in the truck, at Motorway Services getting coffee, delivering to the sites, everything!

The money raised will be donated to both Worcester Snoezelen and What Makes You Different Makes You Beautiful. If you’d like to find out more or would like to donate, follow the link below. ? Good luck Dazzer!