Help the Snoezelen runners raise funds during the Worcester City run!

This years #teamsnoezey runners are training hard and getting ready to run the @worcestercityrun half marathon and the 10k 2024!!! LESS THAN THREE WEEKS TO GO! Every penny goes to making sensory happiness a reality for so many of our members.

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Snoezey Fest Video is Here!

Posted on 7 October 2021

Here it is:  SnoezeyFest21 Video 

Thanks so much to everyone who prepared pieces, performed and took part – and big thanks to our funders, including the Arts Council England, Worcester City Council, The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust, The Boshier Hinton Foundation, our wonderful volunteers, and those who supported in other ways including the University of Worcester for the loan of their marquee. It couldn’t have happened without you!