Help the Snoezelen runners raise funds during the Worcester City run!

This years #teamsnoezey runners are training hard and getting ready to run the @worcestercityrun half marathon and the 10k 2024!!! LESS THAN THREE WEEKS TO GO! Every penny goes to making sensory happiness a reality for so many of our members.

Donate here!

We take web accessibility seriously. We believe that the web should be open, free and accessible to all, regardless of ability or impairment. We follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 guidelines and work hard to achieve AA conformance.

Adherence to guidelines

We go the extra mile to make our web pages accessible. Here are a few ways in which we do this:

Web browser and device support

Our website is optimised to support all modern internet connected devices with varying web browsers, operating systems, screen sizes and input mechanisms.

In line with Microsoft, we do not guarantee support for the Internet Explorer family of browsers.